Circuit Cellar Issue 159 October 2003-PDF
October 2003
Theme: Data Acquisition
Task Manager: Pinching Pennies, by Jennifer Huber, 4.
New Product News, edited by John Gorsky, 8.
Palm OS Data Acquisition, by Stephen Manley, 10
Speed and Location Data Acquisition, by Terry Fleischman, 20
LED-Based Color Clock—Tell Time Anytime, by Keith Brown, 28
Embedded Networking with MicroMessaging, by Olaf Pfeiffer, 36
Minimum Mass Waveform Capture, by Dick Cappels, 40
Serial Sidekick, by Brian Millier, 46
Applied PCs: Simple Data Display—Driving LCDs with Microchip and Atmel Micros, by Fred Eady, 58
From The Bench: Designing with RGB LEDs, by Jeff Bachiochi, 66
ABOVE THE GROUND PLANE: Modulation and Demodulation, by Ed Nisley, 70
Silicon Update: In ARM's Way, by Tom Cantrell, 78
Priority Interrupt: Intellectual Property, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.