Circuit Cellar Issue 149 December 2002-PDF
December 2002
Theme: Wireless Communications
Task Manager—No Strings Attached by Jennifer Huber, 4.
New Product News, edited by John Gorsky, 8.
Wireless Data Acquisition Using Bluetooth by Mohammed Tana Basheer, 10
Interfacing wiht Frequency Synthesizers by John Teller, 20
Vector-SoC—A 1-Ghz Vehtorial Network Analyzer by Robert Lacoste, 24
ARMs to ARMs Part 2: Delving Deeper into the World of ARM by Robert Martin, 36
Quad Bench Power Supply by Brian Millier, 40
Above the Ground Plane—HTML Front Pannels by Ed Nisley, 62
Robotics Corner—A Low-Power Photoflash, by Tom Baraniak, 72
Applied PCs—A Wireless Temperature Sensor Stew, by Fred Eady, 52
From the Bench—Smart RF Designing—Don't Put All of Your Eggs in One Basket, by Jeff Bachiochi, 66
Silicon Update—Hot Chips, Cold Sweat , by Tom Cantrell, 76
Priority Interrupt—Why-Fi—by Steve Ciarcia, 96.