Circuit Cellar Issue 130 May 2001-PDF
May 2001
Task Manager—Clear As Mud, by Rob Walker, 6.
New Product News, edited by Rick Prescott, 8.
Measurement and Sensing with the MPC565, by Andrew Lillie, 10.
The Yard-Stick, by David Penrose, 16.
Frequency Meter Metal Detector, by Andrei Chtchedrine & Yuri Kolokolov, 26.
Ultrasonic Anemometry Anyone?, by Gordon Dick, 30.
Applied PCs—Return of the SBC: Multitasking Applications with SBC-386EX-S, by Fred Eady, 40
DDS-GEN—Part 2: The Generator, by Robert Lacoste, 50.
Behavioral Plant Simulation for Testing a Control Algorithm, by Kenneth Baker, 60.
From the Bench—Taking a Cue from the Cat, by Jeff Bachiochi, 70.
Silicon Update—The Company Formerly Known As Scenix, by Tom Cantrell, 76.
Priority Interrupt—Watch Out for the Bears, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.
May 2001
Task Manager—Clear As Mud, by Rob Walker, 6.
New Product News, edited by Rick Prescott, 8.
Measurement and Sensing with the MPC565, by Andrew Lillie, 10.
The Yard-Stick, by David Penrose, 16.
Frequency Meter Metal Detector, by Andrei Chtchedrine & Yuri Kolokolov, 26.
Ultrasonic Anemometry Anyone?, by Gordon Dick, 30.
Applied PCs—Return of the SBC: Multitasking Applications with SBC-386EX-S, by Fred Eady, 40
DDS-GEN—Part 2: The Generator, by Robert Lacoste, 50.
Behavioral Plant Simulation for Testing a Control Algorithm, by Kenneth Baker, 60.
From the Bench—Taking a Cue from the Cat, by Jeff Bachiochi, 70.
Silicon Update—The Company Formerly Known As Scenix, by Tom Cantrell, 76.
Priority Interrupt—Watch Out for the Bears, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.