Circuit Cellar Issue 111 October 1999-PDF
October 1999
Task Manager—Open for Business, Elizabeth Laurencot, 6.
New Product News, 8.
Reader I/O, 11.
MisterHouse—An Open-Source Home Automation Program, by Bruce Winter, 12.
The Java Virtual Machine, by Dave Lyons, 20.
A Versatile Timer/Synchronizer, by Brian Millier, 24.
Calling On The Standards—Making Sure Your Modem Can Communicate, by Arthur J. Carlson, 30.
Hands-On PIC Trainer—Programming in Assembly, by Jon Varteresian, 56.
IRDA Technology—Part 1: An Overview, by Hari Ramachandran, 60.
MicroSeries—Rolling Your Own Microprocessor—Part 2: Design Application with the Rabbit-80, by Monte Dalrymple, 66.
From The Bench—Get SmartMedia—Part 2: Hands-On, by Jeff Bachiochi, 72.
Silicon Update—'Net-in-a-Chip, by Tom Cantrell, 78.
Priority Interrupt—Spreading the Wealth of Knowledge, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.
Nouveau PC, edited by Harv Weiner, 38.
What’s In A Name?—Windows CE vs. a Hard RTOS, by Mal Raddalgoda, 40.
Real-Time PC—Where in the World—Part 3: Fighting the Wind with GPS, by Ingo Cyliax, 45.
Applied PCs—GoAhead for Nothing—Getting the Server Started, by Fred Eady, 50.
October 1999
Task Manager—Open for Business, Elizabeth Laurencot, 6.
New Product News, 8.
Reader I/O, 11.
MisterHouse—An Open-Source Home Automation Program, by Bruce Winter, 12.
The Java Virtual Machine, by Dave Lyons, 20.
A Versatile Timer/Synchronizer, by Brian Millier, 24.
Calling On The Standards—Making Sure Your Modem Can Communicate, by Arthur J. Carlson, 30.
Hands-On PIC Trainer—Programming in Assembly, by Jon Varteresian, 56.
IRDA Technology—Part 1: An Overview, by Hari Ramachandran, 60.
MicroSeries—Rolling Your Own Microprocessor—Part 2: Design Application with the Rabbit-80, by Monte Dalrymple, 66.
From The Bench—Get SmartMedia—Part 2: Hands-On, by Jeff Bachiochi, 72.
Silicon Update—'Net-in-a-Chip, by Tom Cantrell, 78.
Priority Interrupt—Spreading the Wealth of Knowledge, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.
Nouveau PC, edited by Harv Weiner, 38.
What’s In A Name?—Windows CE vs. a Hard RTOS, by Mal Raddalgoda, 40.
Real-Time PC—Where in the World—Part 3: Fighting the Wind with GPS, by Ingo Cyliax, 45.
Applied PCs—GoAhead for Nothing—Getting the Server Started, by Fred Eady, 50.