Circuit Cellar Issue 050 September 1994-PDF
September 1994
Editor’s INK—The Golden Issue?, by Ken Davidson, 2.
Reader’s INK, 6.
New Product News, 8.
Time To Meet Big Brother: Exploring The M68HC16, by Dana Romero, 14.
DRAM On An 8031: It’s Not As Hard As You’d Think, by Hugo Cheung, 24.
Motorola’s 68322 Processor: Redefining The Low-End Laser Market, by Ron Stence, 34.
Preventing The Ultimate Blow: A Portable Checking Unit For 8751s, by Mike Collier & Fred Gweme, 40.
Understanding PC Buses, by Stephen Bigelow, 44.
Firmware Furnace—Journey to the Protected Land: Smashing Bugs in Gates, by Ed Nisley, 52.
From the Bench—Probing the Dark Side: The Motorist’s Aid to Hindsight, by Jeff Bachiochi, 62.
Silicon Update—PID-Pong: Point, Set, Match: Using a Hitachi H8 for Real-time Control, by Tom Cantrell, 68.
Embedded Techniques—Fast Processors, Big Caps, and Ring Oscillators, by John Dybowski, 74.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 82.
Steve’s Own INK—I’ll Put My Money Where My Mouth Is, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.