Circuit Cellar Issue 049 August 1994-PDF
August 1994
Editor’s INK—The Ultimate Data Collection Machine, by Ken Davidson, 2.
Reader’s INK, 6.
New Product News, 8.
The Two-Channel Printer Recorder—Replace that Expensive Strip-chart Recorder with a Dot-matrix Printer, by Brian Millier, 14.
Get Precise, With The PRÉCIS A/D Converter—Collect Lots of Precise Data with this 16-bit, 100-kHz ADC, by J. Conrad Hubert, 28.
Calibrating Seismic Velocity Transducers With PRÉCIS, by Chris Peoples, 38.
Patents And Copyrights For Protecting Software—Recent Progress in Finding the Proper Balance, by Barry Rein, Esq., 44.
Firmware Furnace—Journey to the Protected Land: Segments All the Way Down, by Ed Nisley, 52.
From the Bench—Ta(l)king Control, by Jeff Bachiochi, 60.
Silicon Update—In the Realm of the Sensors, by Tom Cantrell, 68.
Embedded Techniques—Speed Demon in 8031’s Clothing—Exploring the DS80C320 Processor, by John Dybowski, 74.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 82.
Steve’s Own INK—Time to Move On, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.