Circuit Cellar Issue 040 November 1993-PDF
November 1993
Editor’s INK—Circuit Cellar and the Internet, by Ken Davidson, 2.
Reader’s INK, 6.
New Product News, 8.
Speed Up Your M68040 With An Interleaved Bursting EPROM Interface, by Ron Stence, 14.
Designing With FPGAs—Part 1: An Overview, by Del Hatch, 26.
Loader31: A Pseudo EPROM Emulator, by Brad Hunting, 36.
Firmware Furnace—Booting C: Writing a Micro-C BIOS Extension for the ’386SX Project, by Ed Nisley, 42.
From the Bench—Talking on the Phone Without a Word, by Jeff Bachiochi, 56.
Silicon Update—The Swiss Army Sends in the Special Forces, by Tom Cantrell, 62.
Embedded Techniques—Decoding Magnetics, by John Dybowski, 68.
Patent Talk, by Russ Reiss, 78.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 84.
Steve’s Own INK—Lest We Forget that Chips Can...and Will, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.