Circuit Cellar Issue 034 May 1993-PDF
May 1993
Editor’s INK—A Match Made in Heaven, by Ken Davidson, 2.
New Product News, 6.
Closed Captioning With The Motorola 68HC05CC1, by Janice Benzel & Linda Reuter Nuckolls, 12.
Vector Approach Simplifies Three-Dimensional Graphics, by Fred H. Carlin, 26.
Graphics LCD Control For Embedded Applications, by David Erikson, 32.
Firmware Furnace—I/O Time: The ’386SX Project Gains a Timer, by Ed Nisley, 44.
From the Bench—Squeeze That Battery ’Till It’s Dry, by Jeff Bachiochi, 54.
Silicon Update—Audio Rx: Skippy CDs? Tangled Tapes? Call an MD, by Tom Cantrell, 60.
Embedded Techniques—Interchip Traffic, by John Dybowski, 66.
Patent Talk, by Russ Reiss, 78.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 85.
Steve’s Own INK—The Club, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.