Circuit Cellar Issue 032 March 1993-PDF
March 1993
Editor’s INK—Getting the Hang of It, by Ken Davidson, 2.
Reader’s INK, 6.
New Product News, 8.
A Single Chip Video Wind Gauge, by Philip C. Pilgrim, 14.
Computer Controlled Light Dimmers—Part 1: Theory,by William Von Novak, 30.
Control Your Telescope by Voice, by Michael Swartzendruber, 34.
Add Interrupt Support to Polled Parallel Ports, by James Grundell, 44.
Firmware Furnace—Chickens and Eggs: The First Embedded '386SX Programs, by Ed Nisley, 52.
From the Bench—Seven-Segment LEDs Live On, by Jeff Bachiochi, 60..
Silicon Update—68K The Easy Way: Motorola Hits the Mark With the 68306, by Tom Cantrell, 68.
Embedded Techniques—Displays in a Vacuum: Using Vacuum Fluorescent Displays , by John Dybowski, 74.
Patent Talk, by Russ Reiss, 82.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 85.
Steve’s Own INK—PC Trials, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.