Circuit Cellar Issue 028 August/September 1992-PDF
Aug/Sept 1992
Editor’s INK—Process This, by Ken Davidson, 2.
Reader’s INK—Letters to the Editor, 4.
New Product News, 8.
To DSP Or Not To DSP—Will a RISC Chip Do It Better?, by M.R. Smith, 14.
Analyze Voice In The Palm Of Your Hand, by Gerald McGuire, 26.
Shaping The World Of Sound, by Steven Avritch, 34.
The Dawning Of The Light Transistor—An Optical Computer Method Using Interference Fringe Component Regions, by John N. Hait, 40.
Firmware Furnace—HCS II War Stories and I/O Links, by Ed Nisley, 70.
From the Bench—Approaching PCB Nirvana, by Jeff Bachiochi, 80.
Silicon Update—The Ultimate Desk ACCESSory?, by Tom Cantrell, 86.
Practical Algorithms—Power Code, by John Dybowski, 92.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 98.
Steve’s Own INK—Cost is in the Eye of the Beholder, by Steve Ciarcia, 112.
Closing The Loop On DC Motor Control, by Tom Dahlin & Don Krantz, 50.
Designing With Programmable Logic, by Charles R. Conkling, Jr., 58.