Circuit Cellar Issue 019 February/March 1991-PDF
Feb/March 1991
Editor’s INK—What a Difference, by Curtis Franklin, Jr., 1.
Reader’s INK—Letters to the Editor, 5.
New Product News, 8.
DSP Architectures for Signal Processing Applications—Matching the Tools to the Job, by Bill Schweber, 12.
A PC Stopwatch—Improved Timing for Acquisition and Control, by David P. Schulze, 22.
Digital Image Processing—Software-based Digital Signal Processing, by Chris Ciarcia, 24.
Mini-DSP—A Digital Signal Processor Experimentation Unit, by Steven E. Reyer, 38.
Analog Circuit Design—Stripping Away the Mystery for Digital Designers, by Mark E. Nurczyk, 46.
Firmware Furnace—It’s Just You and the CPU: Intel 80x86 Instruction Timings, by Ed Nisley, 74.
From the Bench—Multidrop A/D and D/A Network: Using Your PC’s Printer Port and Four-Conductor Phone Cable, by Jeff Bachiochi, 82.
Silicon Update—Hot Chips in the Summertime: A Report from "Hot Chips II", by Tom Cantrell, 93.
Practical Algorithms—Making Hash: A Table Built for Speed, by Scott Robert Ladd, 100.
Domestic Automation—CEBus Gets Physical—The Standard Takes Two More Steps to Maturity, by Ken Davidson, 103.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 105.
Steve’s Own INK—The Sophomore Slump, by Steve Ciarcia, 112.
Oh Say, Can You C?—Circuit Cellar INK Evaluates Three C Compilers for the 8051, by M. Scott Martin, Tim McDonough, & Curtis Franklin, Jr., 58.
High-level Languages for Microcontrollers—Don’t Believe the Hype, by Ed Nisley, 69.
Using High-Level Languages on Embedded Controllers, by Ken Davidson, 72.