Circuit Cellar Issue 015 June/July 1990-PDF
June/July 1990
Editor’s INK—Applications for All, by Curtis Franklin, Jr., 1.
Reader’s INK—Letters to the Editor, 5.
New Product News, 8.
Visible INK—Letters to the INK Research Staff, 12.
Implementing a Comefrom Statement—Discover Where Your Code Has Been, by J. Conrad Hubert, 16.
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence—Modeling Synthetic Actors and Real-World Interactions, by Chris Ciarcia, 18.
Building Mitee Mouse III—Part 1: The Hardware for a Maze-Running Rodent, by David Otten, 32.
Building etude—Part 2: A 25-MHz Analog-to-Digital Converter for the PC Bus, by J. Conrad Hubert & Dick Hubert, 41.
Firmware Furnace—The Furnace Firmware Project: Process Control on the Home Front, by Ed Nisley, 49.
From the Bench—Power Control Basics: Choosing the Best Digital Power Control Option for Your Application, by Jeff Bachiochi, 57.
Silicon Update—Chips for Artificial Intelligence: I’ve Seen the Future—and It Is Fuzzy, by Tom Cantrell, 68.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 74.
Steve’s Own INK—Contemplation, by Steve Ciarcia, 80.
CEBus Update—How is the Health of EIA’s Baby?, by Ken Davidson, S2.
Build a Low-Power Data Logger—Computerized Data Collector Runs for Years on a Battery, by Steve Ciarcia, S12.
Build a Power Frequency Monitor—Counting Cycles Until it Hertz, by Ed Nisley, S24.