Circuit Cellar Issue 018 December 1990/January 1991-PDF
Dec 1990/Jan 1991
Editor’s INK—I’ve Seen the Future, by Curtis Franklin, Jr., 1.
Reader’s INK—Letters to the Editor, 4.
New Product News, 8.
ONDI—The On-line Device Interface—Part 2: Software for Remote PC Control, by John Dybowski, 12.
Principles of PC-Based Data Acquisition and Control Systems, by Chris Ciarcia, 18.
An Interface for Portable Battery-Backed RAM—Using the Mitsubishi BEE Card for Non-volatile Data Storage, by Tim McDonough & Bruce Webb, 32.
Using the Motorola MC68HC11—A Venerable History and a Certain Future, by Steve Ciarcia & Burt Brown, 36.
Designing with Flash Memory—Is There a New Alternative to EEPROM and SRAM?, by Marcus A. Levy, 50.
Firmware Furnace—ANSI Controls and Fixed Points: The Furnace Firmware Project Continues, by Ed Nisley, 61.
From the Bench—Magnetic Levitation: An Example in Closed-Loop Control—How to Defy Gravity Without the Use of Black Magic, by Jeff Bachiochi, 71.
Silicon Update—Goodbye CRT, Hello LCD, by Tom Cantrell, 79.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 88.
Steve’s Own INK—The Whole Job, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.