Circuit Cellar Issue 016 August/September 1990-PDF
Aug/Sept 1990
Editor’s INK—A Little Communicating, by Curtis Franklin, Jr., 1.
Reader’s INK—Letters to the Editor, 5.
New Product News, 12.
Image Compression for High-Speed Network Transmission, by Chris Ciarcia, 18.
Extended Serial Communications on the 8096—Increase the Utility of these Ubiquitous Chips With Simple C Software, by Alfred Schumer, 28.
ONDI—The On-line Device Interface: Building a Powerful Remote Control for Your PC, by John Dybowski, 34.
Building the Mitee Mouse III—Part 2: The Software for a Maze-Running Rodent, by David Otten, 40.
Huge Arrays On The HD64180—Taking Advantage of Memory Management, by Jack Ganssle, 53.
Firmware Furnace—The Furnace Firmware Project: Keypad and Piezo Beeper, by Ed Nisley, 56.
From the Bench—Creating a Non-Volatile RAM Module,by Jeff Bachiochi, 65.
Silicon Update—Old 8051s Never Die, They Just Get Smarter: New Power for a Controller Mainstay, by Tom Cantrell, 74.
Practical Algorithms—Getting to Know You: A New Feature Begins, by Scott Robert Ladd, 79.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 82.
Steve’s Own INK—Flash or Splash?, by Steve Ciarcia, 88.