Circuit Cellar Issue 008 April/May 1989-PDF
April/May 1989
Editor’s Ink—The Whole Story, by Curtis Franklin, Jr., 1.
Reader’s INK—Letters to the Editor, 5.
Switching Power Supplies—Efficient Power for Embedded Control Systems, by Steve Ciarcia, 10.
Visible INK—Letters to the Editor, 20.
Product Reviews—The Next Generation: Circuit Cellar INK sells out and enjoys it! Supercharged Worry Munchers: Circuit Cellar INK looks at four diverse applications solutions. 22. (This is a humorous April Fool’s special section.)
Writing a Real-Time Operating System—Part 2: Memory Management and Applications for the HD64180, by Jack Ganssle, 30.
ImageWise/PC—The Digitizing Continues: Part 3: Topping It Off with Software, by Ed Nisley. 34
From The Bench—Creating a Network-based Embedded Controller, by Jeff Bachiochi, 46.
HD647180X—A New 8-Bit Microcontroller: Embedded Controllers Get Respect, by Tom Cantrell. 52
Firmware Furnace—The True Secrets of Working with LCDs, by Ed Nisley, 56.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 67.
Steve’s Own INK—Smile When You Call Me That, by Steve Ciarcia, 72.