Circuit Cellar Issue 002 March/April 1988-PDF
Mar/Apr 1988
The Core Audience, by Steve Ciarcia, 1.
Reader’s Ink—Letters to the Editor, 2.
Circuit Cellar Neighborhood Strategic Defense Initiative—The Ballistics Dynamics of Plastic Soda Bottles, by Steve Ciarcia & Ed Nisley, 5-16.
Visible Ink—Letters to the Circuit Cellar INK Research Staff, 17.
INK Spot—Guest Editorial, Leonardo the Techie, by Phil Lemmons, 21.
The Home Satellite Weather Center—Part 2: NTSC Encoder Alignment and System Overview, by Mark Voorhees, 23-27.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 28.
Firmware Furnace—Digitizing Infrared Signals, by Ed Nisley, 32-42.
Personal-Computer-Based Instrumentation—Build a 4-Channel Temperature Logging and Data Reduction System, by Tom Riley, 43-48.