Circuit Cellar CD 2002
January 2002
Theme: Measurement & Sensors
Task Manager—Survey Says..., by Rob Walker, 6.
New Product News, edited by Rick Prescott, 8.
Building a Fuel-Injected ECU, by Bruce Bowling & Al Grippo, 12.
An Integrated PWM Light Controller—Part 2: The Battery Charger, by Richard Soja, 20.
No Power USB Devices, byJan Axelson, 26.
An RF-Controlled Irrigation System by Brian Millier, 31.
ExploringQNX Neutrino, by Duane Mattern, 38.
Is RISC Good for Embedded?, by Jim Turley, 44.
Applied PCs—"The" Embedded Project—Part 1: Specifications and Components, by Fred Eady, 54.
A Wide-Range Audio Generator, by Tom Napier, 60.
From the Bench—What Good is IrD, Eh? —Part 1: Cordless Protocol, by Jeff Bachiochi, 68.
Silicon Update—Disko Boogie, by Tom Cantrell, 76.
Priority Interrupt—I'll Stay on the Ground, Thank You!, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.
February 2002
Theme: Communications
Task Manager—Care to Try Some PSoC?, by Rob Walker, 6.
New Product News, edited by John Gorsky, 8.
It's a Snap— A Flexible Communications Protocol, by Colin O'Flynn, 12
A Tracking Lab Power Supply, by Robert Lacoste, 20
Developing with Open-Source TCP/IP, by Robert Bowen, 28.
Using a Median Filter, by John West & Mark Stachew, 34.
Inside a Digital Joystick, by Stuart Ball, 42.
A Guide to Varactors, by Stefan Hollos & Richard Hallos, 50.
Above the Ground Plane—UHF Vice Radio, by Ed Nisley, 56.
Applied PCs—"The" Embedded Project—Part 2: Into the Hardware and Software, by Fred Eady, 62.
From the Bench—What Good is IrD, Eh? —Part 2: Wireless Communication, by Jeff Bachiochi, 70.
Silicon Update—eZ Embedded Web, by Tom Cantrell, 78.
Priority Interrupt—United We Stand, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.
March 2002
Theme: Embedded Applications
Task Manager—Fun, Games, and Inside information, by Rob Walker, 6.
New Product News, edited by John Gorsky, 8.
A PIC-Based Portable ID Reader for iButtons—by Michael Collier,Ph.D. , 12
High-Resolution Data Acquistion Made Easy—Brian Millier, 20
A Web Link Monitoring System —Tom Petruzzell, 28.
In-Circuit Emulator for the AT89Cx051 Family—by Praveen Deshpande & Prajakta Deshpande, 34.
Balancing D/A Conversion on One Pin— by Mariano Barrón & Javier Martinez, 52.
Applied PCs—Replacing Relays with Ladder Logic–Part 1: Getting Ready for the Climb— by Fred Eady, 60.
From the Bench—Spy-Size Event Logger, by Jeff Bachiochi, 68.
Silicon Update—SoC Hop, by Tom Cantrell, 78.
Priority Interrupt—Automobiles by Microsoft?, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.
April 2002
Theme: Robotics
Task Manager—On the Move, by Rob Walker, 6.
New Product News, edited by John Gorsky, 8.
A Noncontract Infrared Bumper, by Tom Baraniak, 12.
The Rovervac—A Robotic Vacum Cleaner, by Mike Rigsby, 22
RoCK Specifications-Part 1: Overview of a Winning Robot Kit, by Joseph Jones & Ben Wirz, 28
Cyber Robotics, Experimenting with Robot Simulation, by James Wilson, 34
Racebot, A two-Degree-of-Freedom Stiquito Robot, by Scott Vu & James Conrad, 48
Applied PCs—Replacing Relays with Ladder Logic–Part 2: The T100MD-1616+— by Fred Eady, 54.
Above the Ground Plane—Switches and Glitches, by Ed Nisley, 60.
From the Bench—You Too Can Design with SoC, by Jeff Bachiochi, 66.
Silicon Update—Home Is Where the Plug Is, by Tom Cantrell, 76.
Priority Interrupt—Those Insidious Pop-Ups, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.
May 2002
Theme: Signal Processing
Task Manager—Getting the Right Signal by Jennifer Huber, 6.
New Product News, edited by John Gorsky, 8.
Power Line Modems Meet Home Control, by Brian Millier, 12.
Tiny Planet—A One-Bit Wireless I/O Port, by Claudio Lanconoelli & Alberto Ricc Bitti, 20.
Working with EMC, by George Novacek, 28.
Robotics Corner—Behind the Scenes–Part 1: Controlling an Animatronics System, by Daniel Ramirez, 34.
Hand-Soldering Fine-Pitch QFP Devices, by John Taylor, 46.
RoCk Specifications—Part 2 The Circuitry, by Joesph Jone & Ben Wirz, 50.
Applied PCs—Taking a Swim with Atmel's STK500, by Fred Eady, 56.
Designing Your Own Microprocessor, by Jim Turley, 62.
From the Bench—You're Not Alone Dealing with Isolation, by Jeff Bachiochi, 70.
Silicon Update—I-Way the Hard(ware) Way, by Tom Cantrell, 76.
Priority Interrupt—The Insanity of Sucess, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.
June 2002
Theme: Embedded Programming
Task Manager—Summer Fun by Jennifer Huber, 6.
New Product News, edited by John Gorsky, 8.
BatMon to the Rescue–A Battery Monitor for RC Applications by Thomas Black,12.
Extreme OSMC–Part 1: Open Source Motor Control Projects by Sonny LIoyd, 20.
Ultra-Low Pwer Flash MCU MSP430 Design Contest Winners Announcement, 24
Robotics Corner—Behind the Scenes–Part 2: Software Control by Daniel Ramirez, 28.
Selecting the best CAN Pipeline Controller by Olaf Pfeiffer, 40.
Staring Down the Pipeline–Part 1: Hyper-, Super-, Whatever-Pipelines by Jim Turley , 44.
RocCK Specifications— Part 3: Behavior-Based Programming by Joseph Jones & Ben Wirz, 50.
Applied PCs— Still Swimming With the STK500 Onto the JTAG ICE, by Fred Eady, 58.
Invisible Components, by Jim Turley, 66.
From the Bench—SmartMedia File Storage— Part 1: A Windows/DOS-Compatible File System by Jeff Bachiochi, 70.
Silicon Update—FPGA Power Play by Tom Cantrell, 76.
Priority Interrupt—Broadband–A Report Card—by Steve Ciarcia, 96.
July 2002
Theme: Graphics & Video
Task Manager—Reliable Information by Jennifer Huber, 6.
New Product News, edited by John Gorsky, 8.
Driving the NKK Smartswitch–Part 1: Configuration and Software by Aubrey Kagan,12.
Short Solutions—Building a Graphics LCD Bias Supply AVR MCU-Based AC Phase Controller by Brian Millier, 20.
An 80C31-Controlled Power Supply by Noel Rios, 24
Robotics Corner—Extreme OSMC–Part 2: The Modular OSMC Brain by Sonny Lloyd, 30.
Taming the Transients by George Novacek, 34.
LCD Controller for a PIC by Peter Chia, 42.
Applied PCs— Building a Modular Programming Platform—Part 1: The Program Module, by Fred Eady, 46.
RocCK Specifications— Part 4: Tying Up Loose Ends by Joseph Jones & Ben Wirz, 52.
Dealing With Motor Control Dead-Time Destortion by Ross Bannatyne & Dave Wilson, 60
Starting Down the Pipeline—Part 2: The Long and Short of It, by Jim Turley, 66.
From the Bench—SmartMedia File Storage— Part 2: Directory Entries by Jeff Bachiochi, 70.
Silicon Update—Eight Isn't Enough by Tom Cantrell, 76.
Priority Interrupt—Like Avoiding a Bus—by Steve Ciarcia, 96.
August 2002
Theme: Analog Techniques
Task Manager—The More Things Change...by Jennifer Huber, 4.
New Product News, edited by John Gorsky, 8.
Are You Grounded? by George Novacek,12.
Embedded Smart Fix Analog Flawsr by Tom Napier, 20.
Driving the NKK Smartswitch—Part Graphics and Text by Aubrey Kagan, 26.
Above The Ground Plane— PC Audio Bits by Ed Nisley, 30.
Digital Ignition System Building Without a Distributor by Frantisek Bachleda, 36.
RISCy Business Part 1: RISC Projects by Cornell Students by Jeff Bachiochi, 44.
An Open-Source HCS Project by Neil Cherry, 44.
Robotics Corner— The OO Carolbot by Chris Cantrell, 56.
The AT89C51/52 Flash Memory Programmers, by Noel Rios, 62.
Applied PCs— Building a Modular Programming Platform—Part 2: Building the PCB, by Fred Eady, 70.
From the Bench—SmartMedia File Storage— Part 3: Reading a File by Jeff Bachiochi, 76.
Silicon Update—FPGA News Flashby Tom Cantrell, 80.
Priority Interrupt—Upgrading or Die—by Steve Ciarcia, 96.
September 2002
Theme: Internet & Connectivity
Task Manager—The The Good Life by Jennifer Huber, 4.
New Product News, edited by John Gorsky, 8.
RISCy Business Part 2: Impressive Student Designs by Jeff Bachiochi, 12.
Office Supervisor — A Control System Based on SMS by Jaon Slavat, 18.
The PSC 5-Cent Modem by Rick Hood, 26.
Build Your Own 8051 Web Server by Jim Brady, 34.
Automatic Blood Pressure Meter, by Aleksey Britov, Alexznder Makeenok, 42.
Killing the EMI Deamon, Norman Rogers, 50.
Robotics Corner— Put Out the Fire, by Tom Baraniak, 58.
Applied PCs— Internet Enabling Made Easy by Fred Eady, 62.
From the Bench—SmartMedia File Storage— Part 4: Getting Your Data Inside by Jeff Bachiochi, 70.
Silicon Update—Fast Times at the Forum by Tom Cantrell, 76.
Priority Interrupt—The Right Exposure—by Steve Ciarcia, 96.
October 2002
Theme: Data Acquisition
Task Manager—Be a Contender by Jennifer Huber, 4.
New Product News, edited by John Gorsky, 8.
2-D or Not 2-D by Martin Courtney, 12
High-Frequency Job—Frequency Counter and VFO Controller by Richard Hosking, 20
Robotics Corner—SOPHOCLES: A Solar-Powered MSO430 Robot by Jens Altenburg, 24
Light the Way— An LED-Based Alternative by Philip Ching & Bruce Land, 30
Convert Your PC Sound Card—Make a DC-Coupled Arbitrary Waveform Generator by David Prutchi & Michael Norris, 36
Choosing Your LCD by Roberto Ferrabone, 44
Above the Ground Plane—Audio Transformation by Ed Nisley, 50
Applied PCs—Design with STKxxx Parts Build an Ethernet Controller by Fred Eady, 54
From the Bench—12,16,18, Hike! Dashing for Flash Cash by Jeff Bachiochi, 62
Silicon Update— Watch Me Pull A Rabbit Out of My Hat by Tom Cantrell,76
Priority Interrupt—Linguini with Clam Sauce —by Steve Ciarcia, 96.
November 2002
Theme: Embedded Development
Task Manager—'Tis the Season by Jennifer Huber, 4.
New Product News, edited by John Gorsky, 8.
Embedded Real-Time Java in an MPU, by Shahzad Umar, 12
PSoC Design Challenge 2002 Winners Announcement, 24
Efficient, Practical Adders for FPGAs, by Vitit Kantabutra, Ph.D., Pasquale Corsonello, Stefania Perri, Ph.D., and Maria Antonia Iachino, 28
A Low-Power Embedded Theram Sensor System, by Divyata Kakumanu, Joel Jorgenson, Tristan Simetkosky, Conrad Thomas, and Brian Morlock, 38
The Air Data Computer, by Richard Soennichsen, 48
ARMs to ARMs Part 1: Welcome to the World of ARM, by Robert Martin, 64
Robotics Corner—Ultrasonic Homing Device, by Tom Baraniak, 44
Applied PCs—Geckodriving Your Motor Controller Application, by Fred Eady, 58
From the Bench—Smart Auto Brake Light Eliminates Turn Indicators, by Jeff Bachiochi, 70
Silicon Update—Sensors and Sensibility, by Tom Cantrell, 76
Priority Interrupt—Linguini with Clam Sauce —by Steve Ciarcia, 96.
December 2002
Theme: Wireless Communications
Task Manager—No Strings Attached by Jennifer Huber, 4.
New Product News, edited by John Gorsky, 8.
Wireless Data Acquisition Using Bluetooth by Mohammed Tana Basheer, 10
Interfacing wiht Frequency Synthesizers by John Teller, 20
Vector-SoC—A 1-Ghz Vehtorial Network Analyzer by Robert Lacoste, 24
ARMs to ARMs Part 2: Delving Deeper into the World of ARM by Robert Martin, 36
Quad Bench Power Supply by Brian Millier, 40
Above the Ground Plane—HTML Front Pannels by Ed Nisley, 62
Robotics Corner—A Low-Power Photoflash, by Tom Baraniak, 72
Applied PCs—A Wireless Temperature Sensor Stew, by Fred Eady, 52
From the Bench—Smart RF Designing—Don't Put All of Your Eggs in One Basket, by Jeff Bachiochi, 66
Silicon Update—Hot Chips, Cold Sweat , by Tom Cantrell, 76
Priority Interrupt—Why-Fi—by Steve Ciarcia, 96.