Circuit Cellar 407 June 2024 (PDF)

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Issue #407
June 2024

4: Experimenting with 1000BASE-T1, By David Smart

12: No Blues with Bluetooth! Part 2: The Thousand-Foot Picture, By Robert Lacoste

18: Controlling a CNC Machine using an ESP32 and FluidNC, By Brian Millier

30: TECHNOLOGY FEATURE: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in System Design: AI-AI-AI-AI-AI…, By Michael Lynes

36: DATASHEET: AC-DC Power Supplies: You’ll Be Thunderstruck, By Sam Wallace

40: START TO FINISH: Barometric Pressure Sensors: Measuring Pressure in Embedded Systems, By Stuart Ball

46: EMBEDDED IN THIN SLICES: React Native Ecosystems, By Bob Japenga

51: FROM THE BENCH: Cookie Cutter Sensors: Ganging Up on ‘Em, By Jeff Bachiochi

63: TECH THE FUTURE: The Future of AI Efficiency: Evolutions and AI Solutions, By J.M. Awrach

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