audioXpress 2001 Back Issues on CD
audioXpress 2001 Back Issues on CD
audioXpress January 2001
- Editorial: "Facts of Life"
- Audio News
- "A 30W Push-Pull 3CX300A1 Monoblock"
- "A Phono Pre-preamplifier for the CD era, Pt. 1"
- "THD is Meaningless, Pt. 1"
- "On Angel's Wings, Pt. 1"
- "The DR10 Horn"
- Product Review: Reference MM De Capo Speakers
- Listening Critique
- Product Review: Manley Stingray Amp
- Listening Critique
- "Tilting with Tubes"
- "A Simple Golden Powered Sub"
- "Designing Your Own Amplifier: Part 6a: Special Output Circuits"
- Audio Classroom
- Xpress Mail
- Book Reviews: GEC Tube Data, Modern High-End Valve Amplifiers
- Audio Aids
- New Chips on the Block
- Yard Sale
- Glass Shard: "Taming High Line Voltage"
- Test Tracks
audioXpress February 2001
- Editorial: "Building Beauty"
- Audio News
- "A Modular Hybrid Amp System"
- "A Quick Bookshelf Pair"
- "More on TL Speaker Design"
- "A Phono Pre-preamplifier for the CD Era, Pt. 2"
- Product Review: B & W DM602 S2 Speakers
- Listening Critique
- Product Review: NAD T550 DVD Player
- "Save the Tubes"
- "THD is Meaningless, Pt. 2"
- "On Angels' Wings, Pt. 2"
- "Designing Your Own Amplifier Part 6b: Special Output Circuits"
- Audio Classroom
- Xpress Mail
- Book Review: High-Power Audio Amplifier Construction Manual
- "Bias: Fixed or Not Fixed"
- Yard Sale
- New Chips on the Block
- "What Happened to the Magic?"
- Test Tracks by Dan Martin
audioXpress March 2001
- Editorial: "Looking Backward"
- Audio News
- "A Pair of Computer Speaker System Designs, Pt. 1"
- "The Cure for the Common Dynaco MKIII"
- "Digital Class-D Subwoofer Amp, Pt. 1"
- "High-Quality ($180) Control Unit"
- Product Review: Speaker City's MTM-18 Loudspeaker Kit
- Product Review: Marantz PMD340 Pro CD Player
- Product Review: Radio Shack 15-1994 Remote Control
- Product Review: Testing the Oremus Loudspeaker from Enigma Acoustique with Listening Critique
- "Speaker-Cable Impedance Concerns-Real or Imaginary?"
- "Confessions of a Former Driver Designer"
- Xpress Mail
- Glass Shard: "Direct-Coupled Circuits Need Regulated DC Heaters"
- Glass Shard: "Williamson Preamp Phase-Splitter Applications"
- Yard Sale
- Book Briefs
- Test Tracks
- New Chips on the Block
audioXpress April 2001
- Editorial: "Mom Discovers Music"
- "A 50W/Channel Composite Amplifier"
- "Switching Power Supplies for Tube Preamps"
- "A Bass-Boosting Network"
- "A Pair of Computer Speaker System Designs, Pt. 2"
- "Digital Class-D Subwoofer Amp, Pt. 2"
- "An Unusual Tone Control"
- Product Review: Mapletree Octal 6 Preamp with Listening Critique
- Product Review: Marchand Tube Crossover with Listening Critique
- Product Review: Cool Edit, "Books for the Tube Audio Beginner"
- New Chips on the Block
- Xpress Mail
- Audio Aid
- Yard Sale
- Book Review: Firsts in High Fidelity
- Glass Shard: "Building Rozenblit's 80W OTL Amp"
- Test Tracks
audioXpress May 2001
- Editorial: "Is Music Property?"
- Audio News
- "The Virtual Crossover, Pt. 1
- "A Hybrid Tube/MOSFET SE Amp"
- "A Transient-Perfect Second-Order Passive Crossover"
- "A 211 SE Triode Amp"
- "Inductor Coupling"
- "Exploring the DAC Chip World"
- "Ribbons Made Easy"
- Product Review: Low Down Power, Pt. 1
- Product Review: MJ Magazine's LP Test Disk 3
- Xpress Mail
- New Chips on the Block
- Book Review: National Semiconductor Audio/Radio Handbook
- Glass Shard: "Another Subminiature Preamp"
- Test Tracks
- Yard Sale
- Vintage Glass: "Marantz Preamp-Equalizer"
audioXpress June 2001
- Editorial: "The Custom Touch"
- Audio News
- "King-Size Quarter Horse Power Stereo Amplifier"
- "Power Transformers for Audio Equipment"
- "The Virtual Crossover, Pt. 2"
- "A Different Kind of Line Amplifier"
- "The Pull-Down 'T' Attenuator"
- Product Review: Low Down Power, Pt. 2
- Product Review: Parasound HCA-1000A Power Amplifier with Listening Critique
"Easy Driver Flush-Mounting" - "Linear AC Measurements Using a 'Diode'"
- "Bayonet Sockets"
- Xpress Mail
- New Chips on the Block
- Book Review: Radio Tubes and Boxes of the 1920s
- Showcase: "Magnetic Recycle"
- Yard Sale
- Test Tracks
audioXpress July 2001
- Editorial: "Remembering Digital's Father"
- "An Easy Solid-State Preamplifier"
- "The DR12 Horn"
- "A Two-Channel Tube Compressor"
- "Digital Impedance Measurement"
- "Odds and Evens"
- "The Virtual Crossover, Pt. 3"
- Glass Shard: "Lafayette Preamp"
- Product Review: Kora Explorer 90SI with Listening Critique
Product Review: Behringer Eurorack Mixers - Xpress Mail
- New Chips on the Block
- Book Review: Basic Theory and Application of Electron Tubes
- Yard Sale
- Test Tracks
audioXpress August 2001
- Editorial: "Out, Out, Damned Dot"
- Audio News
- "Slim Jims"
- "A High-Quality Two-Channel Chip Amp"
- "The Circlotron Amp"
- "Box Stuffing-A Fistful of Fuzz"
- "All About Wire"
- "Electrostatic Odyssey"
- "A Start-Up Delay for Vintage Amplifiers"
- "Recreating a 1948 Console Amp"
- Product Review: Roksan Caspian CD Player with Listening Critique
- Product Review: Music Hall MMF-2.1 and Goldring Cartridge
- Product Review: Sovtek 6550 and 2A3 Platinum Matched Tubes
- Product Review: Sony CD Players,
- Book Review: Cunningham Radiotron Manual
- Xpress Mail
- Classic Circuitry: "Pilot 264"
- Ask AX
- New Chips on the Block
- Glass Shard: "Choosing Coupling Capacitor Values"
- Yard Sale
- Test Tracks
audioXpress September 2001
- Audio News
- "Build an Automotive Sub-Satellite Speaker System"
- "The AC Power Line and Audio Equipment, Pt. 1"
- "A Single-Ended 6550 Amplifier"
- "How Good is Your Port?"
- "The Ultra Fidelity Computer Sound System, Pt. 1"
- "Phase Inverting by Transformers"
- "JBL L300 Summit Renovation"
- Product Review: Tannoy S8LR with Listening Critique
- Product Review: Blaupunkt Munchen RDM 169 Car Audio Head Unit with Listening Critique
- Product Review: Monarchy SM-70 Pro Power Amplifier
- Product Review: The Sovtek 12ax7 LPS Twin Triode
- Xpress Mail
- Driver Report: The Jordan JX92S
- New Chips on the Block
- Book Review: GEC Audio Tube Data, 2nd Edition
- Glass Shard: "E-V Model A15"
- Yard Sale
- Vintage Glass: "Sylvania Audio Amp"
audioXpress October 2001
- Audio News
- "Build the Audax/D'Appolito Home Theater System"
- "The Trouble with Screen Grids"
- "LP Transfer to CD"
- "No-Feedback Voltage Regulators"
- "A New Crossover for Cambridge Soundworks Model Six"
- "The Ultra Fidelity Computer Sound System, Pt. 2"
- "The AC Power Line and Audio Equipment, Pt. 2"
- Product Review: Sony MDS-JE440 MiniDisc Deck
- Product Review: Circuit Specialists Digital Multimeters
- Xpress Mail
- New Chips on the Block
- Ask AX
- Book Review: 5.1 Surround Sound Up and Running
- Yard Sale
- Vintage Glass: "Bell Sound 2145"
audioXpress November 2001
- Audio News
- Editorial: "audioXpress: The First Year"
- "Choosing and Using Electronic Parts: A Survival Guide, Pt. 1"
- "A Planar-Triode Phono Preamp"
- "A First-Order 3-Way, Pt.1"
- "A Switching Power Supply for a Mike Preamp"
- "The DR8 Horn"
- "The Sessions Monitor, Pt. 1"
- Product Review: Testing the PSB Stratus Silver with Listening Critique
- Product Review: Onkyo Home Theater with Listening Critique
- The Ultra Fidelity Computer Sound System, Pt. 3"
- Xpress Mail
- Yard Sale
audioXpress December 2001
- Editorial: "Audio Evangelism"
- "Passive Phono Preamps-A Universal Network"
- "A Great First Amplifier Project"
- "The Sessions Monitor, Pt. 2"
- "Choosing and Using Electronic Parts, Pt. 2"
- "The Revenge KR842VHD Amplifier"
- "A First-Order 3-Way, Pt. 2"
- "The Ultra Fidelity Computer Sound System, Pt. 4"
- Product Review: Golden Ears Training
- Product Review: The Rane Active Crossovers
- Xpress Mail
- 2001 Index
- Yard Sale
- Glass Shard: "Breadboarding with Tubes"