Circuit Cellar Issue 155 June 2003-PDF
June 2003
Theme: Measurement & Sensors
Task Manager: Change is Good, by Jennifer Huber, 4.
New Product News, edited by John Gorsky, 8.
Remote Health-Monitoring System—PSoC Design Challenge 2002 Winner, by Victor Kremin, 10
Robotics Corner: The Altmotor, by Christopher Dix, 18
Mad Dash for Flash Cash Design Contest Winners' Announcement, 26
Construct a Hand-Held Radiation Monitor, by Mikhail Galeev, 30
Build a Graphical User Interface with Tcl/Tk, by Peter Hiscocks & James Gaston, 40
Above The Ground Plane: Battery Power—Feeding the Z3801A, by Ed Nisley, 46
Time-Triggered Technology, by George Novacek, 50
Applied PCs: E-Field Evaluation Module, by Fred Eady, 60
From the Bench: Encore!—Zilog's Z8 Flash Memory-Based Micro, by Jeff Bachiochi, 68
Silicon Update: Good Vibrations, by Tom Cantrell, 78
Priority Interrupt: Opening E-mail from HairyAl, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.