Circuit Cellar Issue 138 January 2002-PDF
January 2002
Theme: Measurement & Sensors
Task Manager—Survey Says..., by Rob Walker, 6.
New Product News, edited by Rick Prescott, 8.
Building a Fuel-Injected ECU, by Bruce Bowling & Al Grippo, 12.
An Integrated PWM Light Controller—Part 2: The Battery Charger, by Richard Soja, 20.
No Power USB Devices, byJan Axelson, 26.
An RF-Controlled Irrigation System by Brian Millier, 31.
ExploringQNX Neutrino, by Duane Mattern, 38.
Is RISC Good for Embedded?, by Jim Turley, 44.
Applied PCs—"The" Embedded Project—Part 1: Specifications and Components, by Fred Eady, 54.
A Wide-Range Audio Generator, by Tom Napier, 60.
From the Bench—What Good is IrD, Eh? —Part 1: Cordless Protocol, by Jeff Bachiochi, 68.
Silicon Update—Disko Boogie, by Tom Cantrell, 76.
Priority Interrupt—I'll Stay on the Ground, Thank You!, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.
Theme: Measurement & Sensors
Task Manager—Survey Says..., by Rob Walker, 6.
New Product News, edited by Rick Prescott, 8.
Building a Fuel-Injected ECU, by Bruce Bowling & Al Grippo, 12.
An Integrated PWM Light Controller—Part 2: The Battery Charger, by Richard Soja, 20.
No Power USB Devices, byJan Axelson, 26.
An RF-Controlled Irrigation System by Brian Millier, 31.
ExploringQNX Neutrino, by Duane Mattern, 38.
Is RISC Good for Embedded?, by Jim Turley, 44.
Applied PCs—"The" Embedded Project—Part 1: Specifications and Components, by Fred Eady, 54.
A Wide-Range Audio Generator, by Tom Napier, 60.
From the Bench—What Good is IrD, Eh? —Part 1: Cordless Protocol, by Jeff Bachiochi, 68.
Silicon Update—Disko Boogie, by Tom Cantrell, 76.
Priority Interrupt—I'll Stay on the Ground, Thank You!, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.