Circuit Cellar Issue 116 March 2000-PDF
March 2000
Task Manager—Hitting the Green, by Rob Walker, 6.
New Product News, edited by Harv Weiner, 8.
Applied USB: A Cookbook Approach, by Robert R. Severson, 10.
Flash Forward—Implementing Downloadable Firmware via Flash Memory, by Bob Brown and Michal Tamborski, 20.
Building A RISC System In An FPGA—Part 1: Tools, Instruction Set, and Datapath, by Jan Gray, 26.
Killing Bugs In Your PalmOS—Debugging with State Ma-chines, by Jeff Stefan, 36.
Throw Away The Key?—An iButton Lock System, by Mike Baptiste, 56.
MicroSeries—Rapid Gratification with FPGA Design Part 2: Quicker and Better Design, by Tom Bishop, 62.
From The Bench—In Theory and Practice—Part 2: Clock Adjustment and Digital Filters, by Jeff Bachiochi, 72.
Silicon Update—SoC it to Me, by Tom Cantrell, 76.
Priority Interrupt—Y2K Phooey, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.
Nouveau PC, edited by Harv Weiner, 44.
Real-Time PC—A Matter of Time—Part 3: Synchronizing a PC to a Time Signal, by Ingo Cyliax, 45.
Applied PCs—Getting the Databoot, by Fred Eady, 51.
March 2000
Task Manager—Hitting the Green, by Rob Walker, 6.
New Product News, edited by Harv Weiner, 8.
Applied USB: A Cookbook Approach, by Robert R. Severson, 10.
Flash Forward—Implementing Downloadable Firmware via Flash Memory, by Bob Brown and Michal Tamborski, 20.
Building A RISC System In An FPGA—Part 1: Tools, Instruction Set, and Datapath, by Jan Gray, 26.
Killing Bugs In Your PalmOS—Debugging with State Ma-chines, by Jeff Stefan, 36.
Throw Away The Key?—An iButton Lock System, by Mike Baptiste, 56.
MicroSeries—Rapid Gratification with FPGA Design Part 2: Quicker and Better Design, by Tom Bishop, 62.
From The Bench—In Theory and Practice—Part 2: Clock Adjustment and Digital Filters, by Jeff Bachiochi, 72.
Silicon Update—SoC it to Me, by Tom Cantrell, 76.
Priority Interrupt—Y2K Phooey, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.
Nouveau PC, edited by Harv Weiner, 44.
Real-Time PC—A Matter of Time—Part 3: Synchronizing a PC to a Time Signal, by Ingo Cyliax, 45.
Applied PCs—Getting the Databoot, by Fred Eady, 51.