Circuit Cellar Issue 087 October 1997-PDF
October 1997
Task Manager—And the Survey Says..., by Ken Davidson, 2.
Reader I/O, 6.
New Product News, 8.
Analog Data Acquistion, by Damon Chu, 12.
DTMF Message Decoders—Telephone Aids for the Hearing Im-paired, by Steven Kraft, 18.
Interprocess Communication—Moving DOS Programs into Windows, by Craig Pataky, 26.
Compressed-Code TinyRISC, by Bill Jackson & Reynaldo Archide, 30.
MicroSeries—MC68030 Workstation—Part 2: The Boot PROM Monitor & Device Drivers, by Ingo Cyliax, 66.
From the Bench—Prototypes of the Rich and Famous—Not! by Jeff Bachiochi, 74.
Silicon Update—A(r)Ray of Analog Hope, by Tom Cantrell, 78.
Priority Interrupt—The People’s Contest, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.
Nouveau PC, edited by Harv Weiner, 34.
Intelligent Data Acquistion—by Jim Blazer, Janos Levendovszky, & Robert Haris, 39.
Precision Timing And I/O, by Steve Lisberger, 44
PC/104 Quarter—PC/104 steps Out of the Box, by Dennis Liles & Rick Lehrbaum, 56.
Applied PCs—Managing a NASA Plant-Growth Chamber—Part 2: Coordinating Sensors and Analyzing Data, by Fred Eady, 57.