Circuit Cellar Issue 073 August 1996 - PDF
August 1996
Task Manager—Luxury to Utility, by Ken Davidson, 2.
Reader I/O, 6.
New Product News, 8.
Sensing Obstacles With Mobile Robots, by Chuck McManis, 12.
Designing Marvin, by John Piccirillo, 18.
Modular Robot Controllers, by Ingo Cyliax, 24.
In-Circuit Emulators—Part 2: Debuggers for Embedded Systems, by Graham Moss, Ross McMillan & Ken Mardle, 34.
Firmware Furnace—Tuning Up—A Digital Zero-beat Meter, by Ed Nisley, 42.
From the Bench—Nonintrusive Current Monitoring, by Jeff Bachiochi, 48.
Silicon Update—Spring Fling, by Tom Cantrell, 54.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 93.
Priority Interrupt—How to Not Take It in the Chops, by Steve Ciarcia, 104.
Nouveau PC, edited by Harv Weiner, 64.
$500 Internet Browser In A Box, by Brad Reed, 68.
WINLIGHT—Part 2: The Application, by Scott Baisch & Kevin Smith, 74.
PC/104 Quarter—Precision Timing with PC/104, by John Kates, 82.
Applied PCs—Multiaxis Stepper Motors Continued, by Fred Eady, 87.