Circuit Cellar Issue 066 January 1996 - PDF
January 1996
Task Manager—Bear Skins and Stone Knives, by Ken Davidson, 2.
Reader I/O, 6.
New Product News, 8.
Microprocessor-Controlled High-Voltage Power Supply, by Brian Millier, 14.
Push-Pull Switching Regulator Design And Application, by Edward Schram, 26.
Energy Management In Motor Control, by Michael Rosenfield, 34.
The Micro-bRISC Device Programmer—Tackling Microchip’s Midrange Arsenal of PICs, by Ken Pergola 42.
Alpha’s PALcode, by Eric Rasmussen, 52.
Nonlinear Graphics Transforms—Shortcuts to Stunning Graphics, by Don Lancaster, 56.
Firmware Furnace—Part 1: Getting Vid-Link in Sync, by Ed Nisley, 62.
From the Bench—Programmability Without Volatility—Ditch Those Back-up Batteries, by Jeff Bachiochi, 72.
Silicon Update—The Little ’486 That Could, by Tom Cantrell, 76.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 83.
Priority Interrupt—Livin’ and Learnin’, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.