Circuit Cellar Issue 061 August 1995-PDF
August 1995
Editor’s INK—Digital Sound Processing?, by Ken Davidson, 2.
Reader’s INK, 6.
New Product News, 8.
Digital Filter Alchemy—Turning Circuits into Code, by Do-While Jones, 14.
Speech Compression Techniques and The CDV-1 Digital Voice Box, by Sébastien Roy, 24.
Real-Time Digital Signal Processing with a PC and Sound Card, by Matt Park, 34.
PC-Based Equalizer, by Eric Ambrosino, 42.
Digital’s Alpha 21164: Performance Drives Design Choices, by Paul Rubinfeld, 50.
Firmware Furnace—Journey to the Protected Land: Of Characters and Keystrokes, by Ed Nisley, 56.
From the Bench—Decontaminating the Atmosphere, by Jeff Bachiochi, 64.
Silicon Update—PLDCONfusion, by Tom Cantrell, 70.
Embedded Techniques—Power Management with the DS87C530—Part 1: The Hardware, by John Dybowski, 76.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 84.
Steve’s Own INK—Under the Covers, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.