Circuit Cellar Issue 059 June 1995-PDF
June 1995
Editor’s INK—Breaking Down the Barriers, by Ken Davidson, 2.
New Product News, 6.
Artificial Neural Network Recognizes Sounds, by Seibert L. Murphy & Samir I. Sayegh, 12.
The Eye Mouse—An Ocular Prosthesis, by Gregg Morris & Eric Wilson, 20.
The Quest For Magic Sine Waves—Upping Power Electronics Efficiency, by Don Lancaster, 28.
The Solution’s In The CAN—Part 2: Putting CAN Online with a Multinode, Multiplatform Implementation, by Brad Hunting, 36.
Firmware Furnace—How the PC Keyboard Got its Bits, by Ed Nisley, 46.
From the Bench—Emulating a Motorola IR Chip Using a PIC, by Jeff Bachiochi, 56.
Silicon Update—Chip On Patrol, by Tom Cantrell, 64.
Embedded Techniques—How Small Can a Thermometer Get?, by John Dybowski, 72.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 82.
Steve’s Own INK—Pyramid Schemes, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.