Circuit Cellar Issue 058 May 1995-PDF
May 1995
Editor’s INK—Go Huskies!, by Ken Davidson, 2.
Reader’s INK, 6.
New Product News, 8.
The Solution’s In The CAN—Part 1: Industrial-class, Small-area Networks, by Brad Hunting, 14.
The RDS Prospector—Read Your Radio!, by Christopher Morris, 22.
Siemens ESCC2 UART—Making a High-Speed Audio Link Sing, by Kenneth Ciszewski, 30.
Low-Cost PC-Based Universal 68HC705 Development System, by Robert Priestley, 38.
Firmware Furnace—Journey to the Protected Land: Memory, Time and I/O, by Ed Nisley, 48.
From the Bench—Time in a Can: Just Add 1 Bit of I/O, by Jeff Bachiochi, 58.
Silicon Update—EPAC Epoch, by Tom Cantrell, 66.
Embedded Techniques—Real Keyboard Emulation, by John Dybowski, 72.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 82.
Steve’s Own INK—Politically Correct Programming, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.