Circuit Cellar Issue 036 July 1993-PDF
July 1993
Editor’s INK—Code on the Fly, by Ken Davidson, 2.
Reader’s INK, 6.
New Product News, 8.
Object-Oriented Programming In Embedded Systems, by Mike Podanoffsky, 14.
PC Parent-Child Programming: A Path to Multitasking Under DOS, by H. Bradford Thompson, 26.
High-Speed Modem Basics: The Working Hardware, by Michael Swartzendruber, 38.
Firmware Furnace—Memories are Made of This: The ’386SX Project Goes Nonvolatile, by Ed Nisley, 46.
From the Bench—Breathing Life into an Old Friend: Revisiting the Z8, by Jeff Bachiochi, 56.
Silicon Update—Talking Chips, by Tom Cantrell, 62.
Embedded Techniques—The Art of Battery Management , by John Dybowski, 70.
Patent Talk, by Russ Reiss, 78..
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS , conducted by Ken Davidson, 85.
Steve’s Own INK—PC Clone $5,000, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.