Circuit Cellar Issue 024 December 1991/January 1992-PDF
Dec 1991/Jan 1992
Editor’s INK—Our Upcoming Year, by Ken Davidson, 1.
Reader’s INK—Letters to the Editor, 4.
New Product News, 10.
Three-Dimensional Graphics By Computer—Computer-Generated Anaglyphs, by Dale Nassar, 16.
PC-Based Optical System Design—Using Your PC to Design a Lens, by Chris Ciarcia, 32.
A Video Editing Control System—Part 2, by William J. Kressbach, 38.
High-Resolution Timing On A PC, by Bruce Ackerman, 46.
Third Design Contest Results—Winners of Circuit Cellar INK’s Third Annual Design Contest, 60.
Firmware Furnace—Micro-C, LEDs, and a Rotary Encoder, by Ed Nisley, 66.
From the Bench—Electronic Identification, by Jeff Bachiochi, 75.
Silicon Update—Summer Harvest: A Cornucopia of Chips, by Tom Cantrell, 83.
Practical Algorithms—Parallel Filters: Design and Simulation by Computer, by Charles P. Boegli, 91.
Domestic Automation—Home Control: Read All About It, by Ken Davidson, 98.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 100.
Steve’s Own INK—Consultant’s Dilemma, by Steve Ciarcia, 112.
The FS-100 MC68HC11-Based Single-Board Computer—On-board Keyboard and Video Interfaces Complete this Single-Board Powerhouse, by Frank Swiger & Joe Glover, 52.