Circuit Cellar Issue 023 October/November 1991-PDF
Oct/Nov 1991
Editor’s INK—English: The Forgotten Language?, by Ken Davidson, 1.
Reader’s INK—Letters to the Editor, 4.
New Product News, 10.
A Video Editing Control System—Part 1: The Hardware, by William J. Kressbach, 16.
Computer Graphics And The World of Scientific Visualization, by Chris Ciarcia, 26.
Add A Video Display To Your 8031 Microcontroller—Graphics and Color Liven Up Any Output, by Larry Duarte, 40.
ISDN (S/T) Interface—Part 2: Design Example of a PC Plug-in Board, by Steven E. Strauss & P.K. Govind, 46.
Firmware Furnace—(Re-) Starting C, by Ed Nisley, 70.
From the Bench—Redefining Remote Control: Now You See ’Em—Beep—Now You Don’t, by Jeff Bachiochi, 79.
Silicon Update—Nuts About RISC: Go on a Low-Fat Acorn Diet, by Tom Cantrell, 86.
Practical Algorithms—Measuring Subjective Sound Levels, by Charles P. Boegli, 94.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 103.
Steve’s Own INK—The Circuit (Storm) Cellar, by Steve Ciarcia, 112
ORCAD Schematic Design Tools—A Working Engineer’s Impression, by Bruce Webb, 60.
Schematic Capture With Schema, by Ken Davidson, 64.