Circuit Cellar Issue 021 June/July 1991-PDF
June/July 1991
Editor’s INK—Home, But Not Alone, by Curtis Franklin, Jr., 1.
Reader’s INK—Letters to the Editor, 4.
New Product News, 8.
S-ARTnet—A Powerful Controller Network: Designing a Low-Cost Network Around S-ART, by John Dybowski, 14.
Software at the Hardware Level—Programming TSRs for Interrupt Handling, by Chris Ciarcia, 26.
A Simple RS-485 Network—Exploit the Nine-Bit Serial Communication Modes of the 8051, 8096BH, 68HC11, 68HC05, and Z180 Microcontroller Families, by Jim Butler, 38.
Interfacing Microsoft’s Flash File System—Using Flash Memory Under MS-DOS, by Markus Levy, 44.
Firmware Furnace—The Furnace Firmware Project Concludes: Hard Data for Home Control, by Ed Nisley, 78.
From the Bench—IR Communications: An Essential Link in the Chain of Control, by Jeff Bachiochi, 86.
Silicon Update—The MC68HC16: Stretching 8 Bits to the Limit, by Tom Cantrell, 90.
Practical Algorithms—Filtering Sampled Signals: Software DSP, by Charles P. Boegli, 98.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 102.
Steve’s Own INK—Reach Out..., by Steve Ciarcia, 112.
Touch-tone Interactive Monitor—A Watchdog in Every Home, by Steve Ciarcia, 54.
CEBus Update: More Physical Details Available, by Ken Davidson, 66.
Echelon’s Local Operating Network—The Year of the LON?, by Ken Davidson, 74.