Circuit Cellar Issue 020 April/May 1991-PDF
April/May 1991
Editor’s INK—Towards More Personal Computing, by Curtis Franklin, Jr., 1.
Reader’s INK—Letters to the Editor, 5.
New Product News, 8.
A MIDI-Controlled Sampled-Sound Player, by Tom Dahlin & Don Krantz, 14.
A Portable 8051-Based DRAM Tester—Designing Maximum Features into Minimum Space, by John Wettroth, 24.
Using the TI74 For Data Acquisition—Low-Cost BASIC I/O, by Ed Vogel, 41.
The Mystery of Intel Hex Format—Exorcising the Hex Demon, by Ed Nisley, 45.
Firmware Furnace—You Can’t Do That!: A Look at Porting Code from OS/2 to DOS, by Ed Nisley, 50.
Silicon Update—Pixie Power—A Switch + LCD Combo for Intelligent I/O, by Tom Cantrell, 57.
Practical Algorithms—Adjusting Standard Deviation to Sample Size: Increased Reliability for BASIC Statistics, by Charles P. Boegli, 63.
A PC-Controlled Light Show—A Parallel-Communication Lighting Board with MIDI Potential, by R. Scott Coppersmith, 79.
Working with Zeropower SRAM—Building ZMEM, the Zeropower Memory Chip Programmer, by Ernest Stiltner, 84.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 86.
Steve’s Own INK—Why Portable?, by Steve Ciarcia, 96.
From the Bench—Working with an Autorouter: Integrating a New Tool into an Established Engineering Routine, by Jeff Bachiochi, 66.
Bringing in the Pros—Working with a Board Design Firm, by Curtis Franklin, Jr., 71.