Circuit Cellar Issue 010 August/September 1989-PDF
Aug/Sept 1989
Editor’s INK—CEBus on the Ragged Edge, by Curtis Franklin, Jr., 1.
Reader’s INK—Letters to the Editor, 5.
NEW Product News, 8.
Visible INK—Letters to the INK Research Staff, 12.
An Intelligent SCSI Data Acquisition System for the Apple Macintosh—Part 2: Macintosh Programming the Easy Way, by John Eng, 15.
Tracking Soviet Television Satellites, by Mark Dahmke, 22.
A Network for distributed Control—Part 1—Building an RS-485 Network for Controllers, by Ed Nisley, 32.
CEBus: A New Standard in Home Automation—The First
In-Depth Technical Description, by Ken Davidson, 40.
Circuit Cellar INK Design contest Winners, 54.
Silicon Update—Beyond ASICs: New-Generation PLDs’ Cost and Flexibility Benefits, by Tom Cantrell, 57.
Firmware Furnace—Exposing the Unseeable: Peering deep into code with the help of a single strategic bit by, Ed Nisley, 62.
From the Bench—To Participate is to Win, by Jeff Bachiochi, 69.
Software by Design—Signal Smoothing: Taking the Rough Edges off of Real-World Data, by Jack Ganssle, 73.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 74.
Steve’s Own INK—Don’t Mess with Mother Nature, by Steve Ciarcia, 80.