Circuit Cellar Issue 009 June/July 1989-PDF - CC-Webshop

Circuit Cellar Issue 009 June/July 1989-PDF

  • $6.00

June/July 1989

Editor’s INK—Working Smarter, Not Faster, by Curtis Franklin, Jr., 1.
Reader’s Ink—Letters to the Editor, 5.
Visible INK—Letters to the INK Research Staff, 8.
The X-10 IR543 Infrared Gateway/Controller—Control Your Lights with Your Trainable IR Remote, by Ken Davidson, 11.
A Neural Network Approach to Artificial Intelligence—Using a Neural Network for Dealing with Real-World Data, by Christopher Ciarcia, 18.
The Adaline Learning Neuron—A One-Node Net for Computer Learning, by Scott Farley, 28.
An Intelligent SCSI Data Acquisition System for the Apple Macintosh—Part 1: Building the Hardware, by John Eng, 36.
From the Bench—The Invisible Net, by Jeff Bachiochi, 44.
Silicon Update—The Waferscale Integration PAC1000: Microcontroller, RISC, or PLD?, by Tom Cantrell, 50.
Software by Design—Computing CRCs in Parallel, by Jack Ganssle, 55.
Firmware Furnace—From Fixed Point to Floating Point and Back Again: Writhing Reals, by Ed Nisley, 60.
UPDATE: Build an 87xx Programming Adapter, by Jeff Bachiochi, 69.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 74.
Steve’s Own INK—The Good Old Ways, by Steve Ciarcia, 80.

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