Circuit Cellar Issue 006 November/December 1988-PDF
Nov/Dec 1988
Editor’s INK—An Active and Growing Industry, by Curtis Franklin, Jr., 2.
Reader’s INK—Letters to the Editor, 3.
ROVER: Remotely Operated Video-based Electronic Reconnaissance—Part 2: The Software, by Steve Ciarcia & Ken Davidson, 6.
Visible INK—Letters to INK Research Staff, 16.
The Satellite Home Weather Center —Part 6: Adding Serial and Parallel Ports to the Peripheral Controller, by Mark Voorhees, 20.
From the Bench—Fiber Optics: Your Link to the Future, by Jeff Bachiochi, 28.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 31.
ImageWise/PC—Part 1: The Digitizing Continues, Video Basics, by Ed Nisley, 36.
Build a Remote Analog Data Logger—Part 1: A simple 6809-Based Data Acquisition System, by R.W. Meister, 45.
Firmware Furnace—DDT-51 Revealed, by Ed Nisley, 51.
Steve’s Own INK—A Gathering of Eagles, by Steve Ciarcia, 56.