Circuit Cellar Issue 005 September/October 1988-PDF
Sept/Oct 1988
Editor’s Ink—Not the Same Old Song, by Curtis Franklin, Jr., 1.
Reader’s Ink—Letters to the Editor, 2.
ROVER—Remotely Operated Video-based Electronic Reconnaissance, by Steve Ciarcia and Ken Davidson, 4-13.
Visible Ink—Letters to the CCINK Research Staff, 14.
The Satellite Home Weather Center—Part 5: Focus on the MC68000 Peripheral Controller, by Mark Voorhees, l6-23.
From the Bench—RS-232 Economic Trade-offs, by Jeff Bachiochi, 24-25.
10-MHz/8-bit Digitizing Board for the IBM PC—An Affordable Digital Oscilloscope on a Plug-in Board, by Russell Lindgren, 26-33.
The X-10 TW523 Two-Way Power Line Interface—A Step Toward Closed-loop Power Line Control, by Ken Davidson, 34-35.
The DDT-51 Lives—Fixes, Updates, and Future Plans for the Low-Cost 8051 Development System, by the Ink Research Staff, 38-39.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 40.
Firmware Furnace—Precision Pulses: Carrier-Current Transmission Timing, by Ed Nisley, 46-51.
Steve’s Own Ink—Back Here, by Steve Ciarcia, 52.
Update: Additional information to previous articles