Circuit Cellar Issue 003 May/June 1988-PDF
May/June 1988
Control Magic, by Steve Ciarcia, 1.
Readers Ink—Letter to the Editor, 2.
Power-Line-Based Computer Control—The X-10 PL513 Power Line Interface Module, by Ken Davidson, 4-13.
Visible Ink—Letters to the Circuit Cellar INK Research Staff, 15.
The Home Satellite Weather Center—Part 3: Weather Databases and System Software Overview, by Mark Voorhees, l9-26.
Ink Spot—Guest Editorial, The Information Free-For-All, by Mark Dahmke, 27.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 28.
Firmware Furnace—Video Signal Timing and Real-Time Interrupt Control, by Ed Nisley, 34-41.
SoftUART—Software Emulation of Full-Duplex Serial Channels, by Bill Curlew, 42-48.