Beginner's Guide to Tube Audio Design
If you have been intrigued by the rebirth of vacuum tubes as a way of reproducing music but are totally mystified about vacuum tubes and what they do, then Bruce Rozenblit wrote this book for you. This book is the best beginner's guide available on what vacuum tubes do and how to use them. Bruce shows you how to design the building blocks which turn tubes, resistors, capacitors, transformers, and other hardware into amplifiers which make beautiful music reproduction possible.
On the other hand, if you've been using tubes for years, can read a schematic, and have assembled several amplifiers or preamplifiers, but never quite understood just what was going on in all that nice circuitry, then Bruce's book can unveil all the mysteries of amplification that you've wondered about all this time.
Author Rozenblit starts with a simple, clear explanation of what a vacuum tube is, and how it works. In simple language with no unexplained jargon, he steps through the basic types of tubes, what tube characters mean, how to read those funny charts, and understand specifications.