Circuit Cellar Issue 017 October/November 1990-PDF - CC-Webshop

Circuit Cellar Issue 017 October/November 1990-PDF

  • $6.00

Oct/Nov 1990

Editor’s INK—CASE is Coming, by Curtis Franklin, Jr., 1.
Reader’s INK—Letters to the Editor, 5.
New Product News, 10.
Functions of Complex Variables—Generating Biomorphs on Personal Computers, by Saim Ural, 16.
Creating Fractal Images—Using the Power of Fractals for Realistic Planetary Images, by Chris Ciarcia, 24.
Running VGA on an IBM Professional Graphics Display, by J. Conrad Hubert, 38.
Firmware Furnace—The Furnace Firmware Project: Tight Code Meets the C Monster, by Ed Nisley, 73.
From the Bench—PC Programming Comes to Embedded Control: V25...An 8088 With All the Good Stuff, by Jeff Bachiochi, 82.
Silicon Update—VHDL: The End of Hardware?, by Tom Cantrell, 89.
Practical Algorithms—Around and Around We Go..., by Scott Robert Ladd, 98.
The Second Circuit Cellar INK Design Contest Winners, 100.
ConnecTime—Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS, conducted by Ken Davidson, 104.
Steve’s Own INK—A Computer is A Computer, by Steve Ciarcia, 112.

Multichannel Digital Voltmeter Interface—MAX134 Chip Adds High-Performance ADC to Embedded Control, by Steve Ciarcia, 43.
Control Theory for Embedded Controllers—An Introduction to the Basics of Computerized Control, by Thomas Mosteller, 58.
Using C for Embedded Control—Building a 6805-Based Darkroom Timer, by Ashok Patel & Walter Banks, 67.

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